Pen & Paper At Your Side

Thoughts are like seeds. They’re small at first, but with a little attention they begin to grow.

Use a Microbook to unite ideas with execution and shape your life by hand. When motivation grips you, the inspiration stored in your notes will no longer remain imaginary. It will become your new reality.

Microbooks Now Available!

Order now on Amazon!

Thanks to early supporters, the Kickstarter was successful!

Now the business has launched on Amazon with benefits like 2-day shipping, 30-day returns, and reviews from customers like you! Test out the Microbook yourself and share it with friends who are searching for a true pocket notebook.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words...

… but if you really want to say something, you have to create.

People need to hear new ideas, your ideas, so don’t let them down. Store your thoughts and build upon them. Achieve goals and share your experience. Use your inspiration to pull yourself forward, then pass it along so others can do the same.